PRP, which means “Platelet Rich Plasma”, is a skin rejuvenation method that has been frequently preferred in recent years. PRP Treatment It is basically a treatment applied by superficial administration or injection of platelet-rich plasma (PRP), which is obtained by separating a small amount of blood taken from the person into its components with a…

Soğuk lipoliz


It is a fat-melting method applied to people with weight problems or regional excess fat. It is a non-surgical weight loss method that reduces fat especially in areas such as the abdomen, back, inner legs and hips. It cools unwanted excess fat at a certain temperature and ensures that it is removed from the body without…

Yanak Dolgusu

Cheek filling

Cheek filler is a method used to give the desired shape to the face in cases of age-related volume loss in the cheekbones and to eliminate congenital deformations or losses resulting from accidents or traumas. The doctor injects hyaluronic acid fillers, fat fillers, or stem cell-based fat fillers to give the cheekbone the desired shape…

Rhinoplasty – (Nose surgery)

Rhinoplasty is the medical term used to describe nose surgery or ‘rhinoplasty,’ a procedure usually performed to improve the shape of the nose. Op.Dr., a leading Rhinoplasty surgeon operating in Ataşehir, Istanbul. Evren AY KOÇ has numerous case experience. Many people are conscious about the shape of their nose and choose to have Rhinoplasty for cosmetic…

Baş Dönmesi Vertigo

Dizziness – Vertigo

If you have dizziness, you may feel light-headed and disoriented. You may feel like you’re about to lose your balance. Many things can make you dizzy, such as anxiety or a reaction to medication. However, dizziness may be a symptom of an underlying medical problem. If you experience frequent or severe dizziness, talk to your…

Dil Bağı

Tongue Tie (Ankyloglossia)

Tongue tie (ankyloglossia) is a condition where your child’s tongue remains stuck to the bottom of their mouth. Symptoms include difficulty breastfeeding and speaking. A simple surgical procedure can treat the problem. What is tongue tie? Tongue tie, also known as ankyloglossia,  is a condition in which a person’s tongue remains stuck to the floor of…

Geniz Eti

Adenoid (Adenoidectomy)

Adenoids – adenoidectomy is surgery to remove your child’s adenoid glands. Your child may need this surgery if the adenoid is swollen or enlarged due to an infection or allergy. If your child is experiencing breathing problems or frequent ear and sinus infections due to enlarged adenoids, adenoid surgery may be helpful. OVERVIEW Adenoids located…

Bademcik Ameliyatı - Tonsillektomi

Tonsillectomy – Tonsil Surgery

Tonsillectomy is the surgical removal of your tonsils. It is done to treat sleep-related breathing problems or common infections. While surgeons perform tonsillectomies less frequently than they used to, the procedure is still common today. Tonsillectomy recovery takes up to two weeks. What is tonsillectomy? Tonsillectomy means the surgical removal of your tonsils. Your tonsils are round,…

Burun Eti Konka Ameliyatı

Best Rhinoplasty Doctor in Istanbul

Istanbul is one of the most cosmopolitan cities in the world. This cosmopolitanism has also affected the city’s development in the field of plastic surgery. Istanbul has some of the best surgeons in the world. Our country is in a very good position to train doctors. It is much easier for patients to reach a…

Nose Aesthetics Rhinoplasty

Rhinoplasty is a surgical procedure performed to change the shape of the nose. In addition to changing the shape of the nose, rhinoplasty can also be used to correct functional problems such as nasal congestion. People who want to undergo rhinoplasty should first meet with a surgeon and find out whether the surgery is suitable…