Nose Trauma – It occurs when the nose is broken as a result of a sports injury, a car accident or a similar trauma. A nose fracture involves cracked or broken nose bones and/or cartile. Treatments for nose fracture include manual realignment and – in severe cases – surgery. Fast treatment will help you avoid permanent nasaconduction and cosmetic changes.
Nose Trauma
Broken Nose (Broken Nose)

Nose Trauma
Motor vehicle accidents, sports injuries, or other traumatic events can cause a broken nose.
What is a broken nose (broken nose)?
A broken nose happens when you break your nasal bones or cartilages. Nasal fractures can occur during traumatic events such as car accidents, sports injuries, or physical fights.
How common are nasal bone fractures?
Nasal fractures are very common, accounting for 40% to 50% of all facial fractures. Nose Trauma
Statistically, nasal bone fractures are twice as common in men and those assigned male at birth than in women and those assigned female at birth.
How do you know if your nose is broken?
Symptoms of a broken nose include:
- Pain and tenderness.
- A crackling or crackling sound when you touch your nose.
- Nose bleeding
- Nasal septal hematoma (blood pooling in your septum, the tissue separating your nostrils).
- Swelling around your nose.
- Bruising around your eyes and nose.
- Difficulty breathing through your nose.
- crooked nose
- Nasal congestion (feeling like something is stuck in your nasal passages).
- Drainage from your nose.
What causes Nasal Trauma?
Blunt force trauma can cause a fracture of the nose. This may occur during:
- Motor vehicle accidents.
- Sports injuries.
- Physical fights.
- Fall.
How is Nasal Trauma diagnosed?
A healthcare provider will perform a physical examination. They will gently press around the bridge of your nose and look inside your nasal passages to check for blockages.
In most cases, imaging tests are not necessary. However, if your provider suspects additional facial trauma, they may recommend:
- x-rays
- CT (computed tomography) scan
What do they do for Nose Trauma?
Treatments range from applying ice to your nose to having surgery. The treatment that is right for you depends on the severity of your injuries.
Nasal fracture treatments include:
Ice and painkillers
Unless a nasal fracture has left your nose crooked or misshapen, you may not need correction or surgery. In many cases, taking over-the-counter pain relievers (such as acetaminophen or ibuprofen) and applying ice packs can help relieve broken nose symptoms. Nose Trauma
Be sure to follow all instructions from your healthcare provider.
Evacuation of septal hematoma
In cases of severe trauma, a nasal hematoma may develop on one or both sides of your septum (the part of your nose that separates your two nostrils). A septal hematoma is a pool of blood that accumulates in your septum. Nose Trauma
Left untreated, a septal hematoma can lead to a perforation (hole) in your septum. It can also cause a collapsed nose bridge, a condition known as saddle nose deformity. To prevent these complications, your healthcare provider will need to drain the septal hematoma. They must perform this procedure as soon as possible, as tissue necrosis (tissue death) can begin as soon as 24 hours after an injury. Nose Trauma
Manual realignment
If your nasal bones have moved out of alignment as a result of your injury, a healthcare professional will need to realign them. To do this, they numb your nose with local anesthesia, then gently push your bones and cartilage back into place. (They may recommend general anesthesia depending on your age and the severity of your injuries.)
Your provider may wait a few days before performing manual realignment. This will allow some of the swelling to go down first.
After your provider realigns your nasal bones, he or she may place gauze inside your nostrils and a dressing on the outside of your nose. In some cases, they may also place a temporary splint. You will be able to remove the tampon and dressing in about one to two weeks. Nose Trauma
Your healthcare provider may also give you antibiotics to prevent infection.
Surgical intervention
If you have a severely broken nose, you may need surgery to realign your nasal bones and relieve blocked breathing. While a surgeon performs nose reconstruction procedures, a provider will usually give you general anesthesia for your comfort.
Nose reconstruction surgeries include:
- Septoplasty _ This procedure reshapes your septum, the cartilage and bone that separates your two nostrils. During septoplasty, a surgeon may remove pieces of your bone and cartilage, then reshape and reposition the underlying structures. This repairs holes or perforations and improves breathing.
- Rhinoplasty _ During this procedure, the surgeon adds, reduces, or rearranges the underlying bone and cartilage to create a new nose shape and remove any obstructions. This is the same cosmetic procedure that people get when they want to improve the appearance of their nose.
How long does it take for a broken nose to heal?
In general, a broken nose takes about three to six weeks to heal.
How can I reduce my risk of Nasal Trauma?
You cannot completely prevent nose fractures. But there are things you can do to reduce your risk:
- Be aware of your surroundings (to reduce falls).
- Wear protective clothing when playing contact sports.
What can I expect if my nose is broken?
A broken nose is usually not an emergency, but you should still seek medical attention as soon as possible. Prompt treatment may reduce your risk of long-term complications such as deformities or breathing difficulties.Nose Trauma
Mild nasal fractures may not require treatment. But if you have a severe fracture or multiple fractures, you may need treatment or surgery.
No matter what type of treatment you receive, your recovery should take six weeks or less.
When should I see my doctor?
You should see your healthcare provider if:
- Your nose is still sore and/or swollen several weeks after treatment.
- You cannot breathe through your nose.
- Your nose starts bleeding.
- Your nose begins to discharge clear watery fluid that is not mucus.
When should I go to the emergency room?
Following treatment for a broken nose, you may need to go to the emergency room if:
- Your nose continues to bleed.
- You develop a severe headache.
- Your nose discharges clear, watery fluid.
What questions should I ask my doctor?
If you have a broken nose, you may want to ask your doctor a few questions, such as:
- What are my injuries?
- What are my treatment options?
- When will my swelling go down?
- How long will it take for my nose to heal?
Does a fracture resulting from nasal trauma heal on its own?
A broken nose can heal on its own in just a few weeks. But if your nose heals before a healthcare professional fixes it, you may experience permanent complications such as permanent disfigurement or difficulty breathing. Therefore, it is important to seek medical help as soon as possible.
If you think you or your loved one has a broken nose, go to a healthcare provider as soon as possible. They can determine the extent of your injuries and recommend an appropriate treatment plan. Although a broken nose is not usually an emergency, it is important to receive treatment early before developing potential complications.
Especially in sports injuries, the athlete may need psychological support to regain his/her previous performance. For this reason, medical treatment of nasal trauma with a specialist psychiatrist can speed up the treatment process.