Hearing loss

Hearing loss makes it difficult to hear speech and other sounds. Some people develop hearing loss as they get old, but it can affect anyone. Some babies are born with hearing loss (congenital hearing loss). Some hearing disorders can be treated and prevented.

What is hearing loss?

Hearing loss can make it difficult to understand, follow, or participate in conversations. You may have difficulty following what people say on television or on the phone, and you may miss the pleasant sounds of nature. Significant hearing loss can affect your ability to work and enjoy life.

How common is hearing loss?

More than 1 in 10 Americans have some degree of hearing loss. It is the most common sensory processing disorder. These disorders affect how your brain processes information from senses such as hearing, vision, taste, and touch.

Who can have hearing loss?

Hearing loss affects all ages, genders, races and ethnicities. Hearing loss in older adults is common, affecting 1 in 3 people over 65 and half of people over 75. Age-related hearing loss is called presbycusis.

Hearing loss also affects babies and children. An estimated 2 in 1000 babies are born with some type of hearing loss. Hearing loss in children is one of the most common birth defects. A condition that is present at birth is called a congenital condition.

What are the types of hearing loss?

You may have hearing loss in one ear (unilateral) or both (bilateral). The type depends on where the damage occurs within the hearing system.

Types of hearing loss include:

  • Conductor:  Something prevents sound from passing through the outer ear (ear canal) or middle ear (the area containing the three small ear bones: malleolus, incus, and stirrup). The block may be due to an ear infection, earwax, or fluid in the ear. Loud sounds may sound muffled and soft sounds may be difficult to hear. Medication or surgery usually helps.
  • Sensorineural:  Hearing loss affects the inner ear (cochlea) or auditory nerve. Loud noises, diseases or the aging process often cause this. Children are prone to this type due to congenital conditions (present at birth), trauma during birth, head injuries, or infections. Sensorineural hearing loss is usually permanent. Hearing aids and hearing aids may help.
  • Mixed:  Some people have both conductive and sensorineural hearing loss. Head trauma, infection, or an inherited condition can cause mixed hearing loss. You may need treatment for both types of hearing loss.

What is the difference between hearing loss and deafness?

A person with hearing loss can hear sounds well enough to participate in conversations. They can improve their hearing using hearing aids or other treatments.

Someone who is deaf may hear little or nothing at all. Hearing aids and aids do not help. A person who is deaf may use sign language to communicate.


What causes hearing loss?

Loud sounds often cause hearing loss. Sometimes this exposure is sudden and short-term. Attending a loud concert or being close to a gunshot can damage hearing.

Long-term noise exposure affects many occupations. Farmers, construction workers, musicians and members of the military are most at risk. Occupational hearing loss is one of the leading work-related diseases in the United States

Other risk factors that increase your likelihood of hearing loss include:

  • Congenital conditions such as cytomegalovirus (CMV).
  • Coronary artery disease (heart disease), high blood pressure (hypertension) and stroke.
  • Damage or trauma from an accident or injury – even something as simple as sticking too many cotton swabs into the ear.
  • diabetes _
  • Ear infections, earwax buildup, or ruptured eardrum.
  • Exposure to chemicals.
  • Family history of hearing loss.
  • Medicines to treat cancer, heart disease, and infections.
  • Tumors (acoustic neuroma).

What are the symptoms of hearing loss?

Hearing loss can happen gradually. You may not even realize you are losing your hearing.

Most people do not have any pain related to hearing loss. Instead, you may notice:

  • Ask people to repeat themselves often.
  • Cannot follow a conversation (especially on the phone or in a restaurant) or think about other people’s mumblings.
  • I can’t hear some high-pitched sounds, such as birds chirping.
  • You need to turn up the volume on the TV or radio.
  • Feel ringing in the ears (tinnitus), pain (earache), a feeling of fluid or pressure in the ear.
  • Have balance problems or dizziness.

Symptoms of hearing loss in children include:

  • It’s not scary at high volumes.
  • Not turning towards sounds or when you say the child’s name (after a child is 6 months old).
  • Responding to some sounds but not all sounds.
  • “Ha?” too much.
  • Speech delays, such as not being able to say “dada” or “mama” until age 1.


Which doctor diagnoses and treats hearing loss?

If you suspect hearing loss, you may see:

  • Audiologist:  These professionals perform hearing exams and hearing needs assessments to discuss your unique listening and communication needs. They help identify suitable hearing aids, which often include hearing aids in addition to other types of hearing aid technology (cochlear implants and osseointegrated implants). Most audiologists have a doctorate in audiology (Au.D.). Audiologists are not medical doctors.
  • Hearing aid specialist:  These specialists pass a state exam and receive state licenses to perform hearing tests. They may fit you for hearing aids.
  • Ear, Nose and Throat Specialist :  These medical doctors are also known as ear, nose and throat (ENT) specialists. They prescribe medications and perform surgeries to treat ear problems and hearing loss.

Audiologists, or hearing aid specialists, often work with ear, nose and throat specialists. As a team, they can solve all your hearing problems to help improve your hearing.

How is hearing loss diagnosed?

Your provider will ask about your symptoms and perform a physical examination. They check for signs of infection or other problems that may cause hearing loss.

To measure hearing loss, a doctor performs an audiogram. This hearing test measures what types of sounds you can hear. Testing precautions:

  • Configuration:  How well you hear high and low sounds.
  • Degree:  Measured in terms of normal, mild to severe, or profound hearing loss.
  • Type:  Constructive, sensorineural or mixed.

If you have an injury or possible tumor, you may have a CT scan or MRI.


What are the complications of hearing loss?

Having hearing loss can make you feel disconnected from the world around you. You may be irritable, irritable or irritable. People with severe hearing loss may become anxious or depressed. Children with hearing loss may struggle in school and get poor grades. Research also shows a link between hearing loss and dementia in older adults.

How is hearing loss managed or treated?

Hearing loss treatments generally depend on the type and degree of hearing loss. Treatments include:

  • Hearing aids:  These devices help restore hearing. Hearing aids are devices worn on or in the ear to amplify sound. Your doctor surgically places cochlear implants in the inner ear to treat inner ear hearing loss.
  • Hearing rehabilitation:  Also called audiological rehabilitation, this therapy helps you adapt to hearing loss and hearing aids. A therapist can also help you learn to use visual cues and lip-read to improve communication.
  • Listening devices:  Devices can make it easier to hear phones, televisions, or videos on your computer.
  • Medications: Hearing loss from ear infections  can be improved with antibiotics. Corticosteroids can reduce swelling of cochlear hair cells after exposure to loud noise. If medications are causing your hearing loss, your provider may prescribe a different medication.
  • Surgery: Your provider may insert ear tubes  into the eardrum   . Ear tubes treat chronic middle ear infections that contribute to hearing loss. Providers also perform surgeries to remove tumors, repair birth defects, and place cochlear implants.

Does insurance cover hearing aid costs?

Health insurance may provide coverage for hearing aids — check your plan for specific coverage.


How can I prevent hearing loss?

Noise exposure is one of the most common and preventable causes of hearing loss. To help prevent noise-induced hearing loss:

  • Limit your exposure to loud events and environments.
  • Use sound-reducing headphones (inside the ears) or headphones (outside the ears).
  • Turn down the volume on electrical appliances, electronic devices, headphones, and toys (if possible).


What is the prognosis (outlook) for people with hearing loss?

Certain types and causes of hearing loss can be treated. With treatment, you can regain most or all of your hearing. Sensorineural and age-related hearing loss is usually permanent. Most people with this type of hearing loss benefit from hearing aids.


When should I call the doctor?

You should call your doctor if you have hearing loss or experience:

  • Balance problems.
  • Chronic ringing in the ears (tinnitus).
  • Severe ear pain
  • Sudden hearing loss or deafness.

A note from your doctor

Going through life missing conversations or hearing muffled voices can be frustrating and depressing. Hearing loss affects many people. You shouldn’t be ashamed to ask for help. Today’s hearing aids are smaller and very discreet. Your doctor can determine the best way to improve your hearing so you can get back in tune with the sounds around you.