Earwax Cleaning – Untreated earwax building can cause hearing loss, irritation, pain in your ear, digita, ringing in your ears and other problems. In most cases, earwax impact is not dangerous and symptoms are eliminated with treatment. Treatments for earwax clogging include earwax softening drops or manual removement in your health care professionals office.
Earwax Cleaning
Earwax blockage occurs when earwax (clump) accumulates inside your ear canal.
What is cerumen impaction?
“Cerumen impaction” is the medical term for earwax blockage. Earwax (cushum) plays an important role in ear health. It cleans your ears and protects them from dust, dirt and infection.
Despite its many benefits, earwax can cause problems when too much builds up. Trapped earwax can cause ear pain, itching, tinnitus, hearing loss, or other problems. If necessary, a healthcare professional can help you remove earwax. Earwax Cleaning
Who is most likely to develop impacted earwax?
Earwax blockage can happen to anyone. It is found in about 10% of children and 5% of adults.
Affected earwax is more likely to occur in the following people:
- Use hearing aids, earplugs or headphones.
- Those with a lot of ear hair.
- If you have certain skin conditions such as eczema.
- Those who intervene in their ears with cotton swabs or other things.
- Those over 55 years of age.
- Those with developmental delays.
- Those with misshapen ear canals that prevent the natural removal of earwax.
- Especially those who use in-ear headphones lately.
What are the symptoms of cerumen impaction?
Symptoms of affected earwax may include:
- A feeling of fullness in your ear.
- Pain in your ear (earache).
- Hearing loss that may worsen over time.
- Ringing in your ears (tinnitus).
- Itching in your ears.
- If there is discharge or odor coming from your ears.
- As a cause along with dizziness.
What causes earwax accumulation?
Some people develop earwax because they naturally produce more earwax.
You may also experience earwax effects in the following situations:
- If you have dry or hard earwax.
- If you have a lot of ear hair.
- If you have narrow ear canals.
- If you often wear earplugs or hearing aids.
- If you routinely use cotton swabs to clean your ears.
What happens if the affected earwax is not removed?
If left untreated, excess earwax can cause earwax blockage symptoms to worsen. These symptoms may include hearing loss, ear irritation, tinnitus, and other problems. Earwax buildup can also make it difficult to see inside your ear, which can lead to potential problems going undiagnosed. Earwax cleaning should be done by a specialist physician. Earwax Cleaning
How is cerumen impaction diagnosed?
Your doctor will perform a physical examination. During this visit, they look inside your ears with a special instrument called an otoscope to see if there is a buildup of earwax.
How do you get rid of affected earwax?
Treatments for affected earwax, both at home and in the office, include the following methods:
- Solutions that dissolve earwax.
- Ear irrigation.
- In-office earwax cleaning.
Talk to your healthcare provider before trying any treatment.
Clean your ears properly
Clean the outside of your ear with a cloth. Dry your ears as much as possible after a shower or bath.
Under no circumstances should you put anything, including cotton swabs, into your ear canal. Using cotton swabs can not only damage your eardrum, but can also encourage your ears to make more earwax. (Learn more about why you should avoid cotton swabs in the “Additional Frequently Asked Questions” section below.) Earwax Cleaning
Use solutions to dissolve earwax
You can use cerumenolytic solutions (solutions that dissolve wax) in your ear canal. These solutions include:
- Saline solution.
- Baby oil.
- Glycerine.
- Mineral oil.
- Hydrogen peroxide or peroxide-based ear drops (such as Debrox®).
With these solutions, you place a few drops in the affected ear and lie on the opposite side. This way, the solution can drip into your affected ear. These oils should be used sparingly. If you use an over-the-counter earwax remover, follow the instructions provided.
Ear Washing
Another option is to flush or syringe your ear. This involves using a syringe to rinse your ear canal with water or saline solution. In general, you should first soften the wax using a cerumenolytic solution. Next, you will gently irrigate your ear with a bulb syringe.
In-office earwax cleaning
Finally, your doctor may remove earwax manually using special tools. They may use a serum spoon, forceps, irrigation or aspiration device. Generally, these procedures only take a few minutes to complete.
How can I prevent earwax formation?
Do not insert anything into your ears for earwax cleaning. If you use a cotton swab, you should only use it on the outside of your ear. If a doctor has to remove earwax from your ears more than once a year, ask what they recommend to stop earwax from building up.
What can I expect if I interact with Serumen?

Earwax Cleaning
Although embedded earwax can be annoying and uncomfortable, it is generally not dangerous. However, you should call a doctor if you notice symptoms of impacted earwax, such as earache, dizziness, or hearing loss.
Some people produce more earwax than others and may need routine treatments to remove it. Talk to your doctor about ways to soften earwax and keep your ears healthy.
When should I see the doctor?
If you develop symptoms of earwax impaction, such as earache, itching, tinnitus, dizziness, hearing loss, or a feeling of fullness in your ears, see a doctor.
You should seek medical help immediately if you have:
- High fever.
- A persistent earache.
- Discharge from your ear (otorrhea).
- A bad smell coming from your ear.
What questions should I ask your doctor?
Your doctor can tell you how to get rid of earwax buildup. Here are a few questions you may want to ask:
- Are my ears producing excessive amounts of earwax?
- How can I clean my ears safely and completely?
- Can I prevent earwax from accumulating?
- What home remedies do you recommend?
- Do I need professional earwax removal?
- Should I have earwax removed regularly?
Can I use a cotton swab to remove excess earwax?
Many people use cotton swabs to clean their ears. But research shows that cotton swabs may actually cause more earwax production. This is because cotton swabs stimulate the tiny hairs inside your ear canal. When you stimulate these hairs, they send a message to the glands inside your ear canal to make more earwax. The most important point you should not forget is that if you think you need earwax cleaning, you should definitely consult a specialist physician.
What else should I avoid when treating earwax blockage?
Do not use suction devices for home use. They are not effective for most people, and most healthcare providers do not recommend them.
Ear candles, promoted as a natural method to remove earwax, are ineffective. They can also cause injuries, such as burns, to your outer ear and ear canal. They can even puncture (rupture) your eardrum .
A note from your Ear, Nose and Throat Doctor.
Remember, earwax is not bad on its own. It cleans your ears and prevents them from getting infected. However, if earwax accumulates, it can cause problems such as irritation, itching and hearing loss. It is safe to use drops or water only to clean the outside of your ears and soften earwax. You should always consult your doctor to remove earwax using a tool. You can get detailed information about earwax cleaning by contacting us.