Chin Filler

Chin Filler is a procedure that aims to give the desired shape to the chin in case of loss of volume in the chin. It is a method frequently requested by patients who want to have the current trend oval face and prominent chin. Patients who are structurally conscious of having a small chin can easily have the chin they want with this method. Jaw filler is also used to easily remove tissue loss and deformations that occur in the chin as a result of an accident.

What materials are used for the filling?

There are three main methods of filling. The first method involves an injection of hyaluronic acid, a moisturizing agent that is already present in our body. The second method is fat injection, which is isolated from the patient’s own fat. The third method involves stem cell-based fat injection.

Is it a painful application?

The chin filling process using hyaluronic acid is painless. In the office, anesthetic cream is applied to the patient; In about half an hour, the patient reaches the level where he or she will feel the least pain as a result of the injection and the procedure is applied.
When it comes to fat injection or stem cell-based fat injection, the patient must first have liposuction to remove fat.

What are the most common deformities of the jaw?

The most common deformity of the chin is a congenitally small or asymmetrical chin in relation to the face. Tissue losses and deformities due to accidents and traumas are other complaints that can be eliminated by filling applications. Likewise, weakening of the chin tissue with aging and excessive curvature of the chin are some of the common deformities.

The Refill app is useful for:

Correction of volume loss and deformities in the chin.

How is chin filling done?

If chin filling is done with hyaluronic acid, anesthetic cream is applied to the patient in the office; In about half an hour, the patient’s jaw is anesthetized to the level where he will feel the least pain as a result of the injection, and then the patient is treated.

If fat filling is to be done, first of all, the patient should have liposuction in order to remove enough fat from the hip or abdomen according to the patient’s condition. Then the doctor makes the fat taken under operating room conditions injectable into the face and fat is injected into the chin.

Chin Filler

Chin Filler

Who should apply chin filler?

If chin filling is done using hyaluronic acid, it is done by a plastic surgeon, dermatologist or medical esthetician.

If the chin filling is done with fat injection or stem cell-based fat injection, it can only be done by a plastic surgeon. If a stem cell-based fat injection is to be made, the fat isolated from the patient must be sent to a stem cell laboratory approved by the Ministry of Health for stem cell replication in fat.

Application period

The chin filling process using hyaluronic acid takes half an hour, which is the time for the anesthetic cream to show its effect, and the filling application takes a total of 1 hour, with a maximum of half an hour.

The chin filling procedure, which is performed with fat filling, is a surgical procedure that takes approximately 2 hours to remove fat from the patient’s hips or abdomen with the liposuction method and then make this fat injectable into the chin. In the chin filling process performed with stem cell-based fat injection, fat is surgically removed from the patient and this process takes approximately 1-2 hours. Then, the oils obtained for the reproduction and isolation of the desired number of stem cells are sent to the stem cell laboratory approved by the Ministry of Health and the stem cells are allowed to grow, which takes approximately 3-6 weeks. After the desired number of stem cells is obtained, the patient is filled with chin filling.

Advantages of chin fillers

Jaw filling is a very advantageous application as it gives the desired form and volume to the patient without the need for major surgical intervention.

How long does the effect of chin filler last?

The effects of chin filling made using hyaluronic acid have an effect of 6-12 months, those made with a filler isolated from the person’s own fat have an effect of 2-3 years, and those made with stem cell-based fat injection have an effect of about 5 years. .

Side effects of chin filler

Jaw tip filling has no side effects.

What is the healing process of the chin filler?

Chin filling using hyaluronic acid does not require a healing process; The bruises and swellings that may occur can be easily removed with cold application and externally applied creams, and the patient can return to his normal activities shortly after the procedure. In the chin filling process with fat injection, it may take approximately 1-2 weeks for the patient to get rid of liposuction and to reduce the bruising and edema caused by fat injection.

Who can not have chin filling?

Patients who are not recommended by the chin filler doctors for various health reasons cannot have this procedure done.

Will there be edema and swelling after chin filling?

Chin filling using hyaluronic acid can cause small bruises and swellings that will quickly disappear with cold compression and cream application. In fat injections, this period is 1-2 weeks.

Is chin filling a safe procedure?

Chin tip filling is a safe procedure as long as it is done by experts.

Is the chin filling permanent?

The effect of chin filling using hyaluronic acid lasts between 6 months and 1 year. The effects of chin filling made using fat filling last about 2-3 years. The effect of chin filling using stem cell-based fat injection lasts for 5 years.

Contact me for detailed information about jaw tip filling.