İstanbul'da Rinoplasti Ameliyatı


Why do people want to have rhinoplasty?

People may want to have a nose job (rhinoplasty) for a variety of reasons. Rhinoplasty is usually done for cosmetic purposes, but it can sometimes be done to correct functional problems. Here are some common reasons for wanting to have a nose job:

1. Appearance Correction: Rhinoplasty is one of the most common motivations for aesthetic reasons. Individuals often consider rhinoplasty to improve their appearance if they are unhappy with the shape, size or proportions of their nose.

2. Correction of Nasal Deformities: Congenital nasal deformities or nasal deformities resulting from trauma can trigger aesthetic concerns in individuals. Rhinoplasty can help correct such deformities.

3. Relieving Respiratory Problems: Some people may consider rhinoplasty because of nasal congestion or breathing problems. Rhinoplasty can improve breathing by correcting anatomical problems inside the nose.

4. Increased Self-Confidence: Rhinoplasty can help individuals feel better about themselves and increase their self-confidence. A nose shape or size that they are not happy with can negatively affect a person’s self-confidence.

5. Social and Professional Reasons: Some people may want to have a more aesthetic appearance to conform to social norms or for professional reasons. In this case, rhinoplasty can help the individual create a more positive perception in their social or business life.

The decision to have a rhinoplasty is a personal choice, and each individual’s motivations are different. However, it is important to remember that there are risks to this type of surgery and that this decision should be carefully considered. A comprehensive consultation and evaluation process should be conducted with a good surgeon.

Who is suitable for rhinoplasty?

Rhinoplasty may be appropriate for individuals who meet the following conditions:

1. Aesthetic Concerns: If individuals have aesthetic concerns about the shape, size or proportions of their nose and these concerns negatively affect the person’s quality of life, rhinoplasty may be considered.

2. Nose Deformities: Nasal deformities that are congenital or occur as a result of traumatic events may cause aesthetic concerns. Rhinoplasty is suitable for the correction of these deformities.

3. Respiratory Problems: Individuals who experience respiratory problems due to anatomical problems inside the nose may consider rhinoplasty for both aesthetic and functional improvements.

4. Age and Health Status: Adult individuals who are in good general health and are suitable for surgical procedures can be candidates for rhinoplasty. Surgical intervention is usually performed at a young age, after the nose has completed its development.

5. Mental and Emotional Health: The mental and emotional health of rhinoplasty candidates should also be assessed. Before and after surgery, the individual’s expectations should be realistic and they should be able to react appropriately to the results of the surgery.

6. Health History: Rhinoplasty candidates should clearly state their health status prior to surgery. Factors such as allergies, bleeding tendencies, or chronic health problems should be evaluated. Rhinoplasty should be evaluated based on the individual’s personal preferences and needs.

However, as with any surgical procedure, there are risks and potential complications to this type of procedure, so it is important that this decision is carefully considered and guided by a qualified surgeon.

Is Rhinoplasty a risky surgery?

Rhinoplasty is generally a safe surgical procedure, but like any medical surgery, it does carry certain risks. Rhinoplasty risks may include:

1. General Anesthesia Risks: Rhinoplasty is usually performed under general anesthesia. General anesthesia can cause breathing problems, allergic reactions, or other potential complications in some individuals.

2. Bleeding and Hematoma: There is a risk of bleeding during or after surgery. Major bleeding can lead to hematomas (blood pools), which may require additional treatment.

3. Infection: As with any surgical procedure, there is a risk of infection after rhinoplasty. However, this risk is generally low and can be reduced by taking appropriate surgical hygiene measures.

4. Anatomical Changes: Unwanted anatomical changes, such as asymmetry of the nose or contour problems, may rarely occur.

5. Hysteresis (Scars): Hysteresis may occur due to the incisions made during surgery. However, these scars can usually be minimized with surgical techniques and suture methods.

6. Respiratory Problems: After rhinoplasty, some individuals may experience temporary or, rarely, permanent respiratory problems. This may be more pronounced, especially if the intranasal anatomical structures are altered.

7. Anesthesia-Related Complications: Complications from general anesthesia may be at higher risk, especially in individuals with poor general health or certain health problems.

8. Dissatisfaction or Psychological Effects: If the individual’s expectations are not met or there are psychological effects after surgery, this may cause dissatisfaction and emotional difficulties.

Many of these risks can be reduced by choosing the right surgeon, doing a good evaluation process, and following post-operative recommendations. As a potential rhinoplasty candidate, it is important to understand all the risks and expectations. By having a detailed consultation with a qualified surgeon and sharing your medical history as you consider the procedure, you can have the best information for a safe surgical procedure.

What should I pay attention to when choosing a rhinoplasty doctor?

There are several important factors to consider when choosing a rhinoplasty doctor. Among these factors, it is important to focus on criteria such as expertise, experience, references, and interaction. Here are some of the main factors to consider:

1. Expertise and Experience:

Surgical expertise: When choosing a doctor for rhinoplasty surgery, you should first make sure that he/she has received surgical training in this field. Training courses for rhinoplasty will put your doctor one step ahead in the field of surgery in terms of applying new techniques.

Rhinoplasty Experience: The doctor must be experienced in rhinoplasty, or nose aesthetic surgery, and use the procedures more effectively. For this reason, you can ask your doctor to get to know their success stories and the heroes of these stories.

2. Certificates and License:

Appropriate Certificates: You can check the certificates showing the surgeon’s participation in national or international surgical courses and seminars. They are usually displayed in a visible place in the examination clinic.

License Status: Verify that your doctor has a valid medical license. Being well-known can reduce this risk. However, that recognition can be a costly concern.

3. References and Reviews:

Patient Reviews: Review the feedback from previous patients of the doctor. You can check the doctor’s reviews online or on social media platforms. The images used in the visuals that you need to pay attention to in this regard may have been manipulated. Also, not everyone will share images or videos that they think have bad results.

References: You may ask your doctor to connect you with patients who have had rhinoplasty in the past, so you can reach out to a reference directly.

4. Portfolio and Before and After Photos:

Portfolio Review: Review before-and-after photos of rhinoplasty procedures the doctor has performed in the past. This can help you evaluate the surgeon’s skill and style.

5. Communication and Care:

Initial Contact: Pay attention to how your doctor treats you during your initial consultation. Check if he/she answers your questions in an organized and understanding manner.

Communication Style: It is important that you can communicate well with your doctor. A sense of emotional and physical comfort is important.

6. Surgical Disaster Status and Revision Policy:

Surgical Results: Note the success rates and complications of the doctor’s previous rhinoplasty surgeries.

Revision Policy: Find out what the doctor’s approach and policies are in case of revision surgery. By paying attention to these criteria, you can choose the right doctor for rhinoplasty surgery and have a reliable surgical experience.

How long does rhinoplasty surgery take?

The duration of rhinoplasty surgery can vary depending on a number of factors. The duration of surgery is individual, as each patient has different anatomical features, expectations, and complexity of the surgery. However, in general, the duration of rhinoplasty surgery varies between 1 and 3 hours. Factors affecting the duration of surgery may include:

1. Complexity of the Surgery: The complexity of the rhinoplasty surgery is an important factor that determines the duration of the operation. While surgeries with simple corrections may take less time, more complex revision procedures or anatomical corrections may take longer.

2. Techniques and Approach: Different surgical techniques can be used, such as classic open rhinoplasty and closed rhinoplasty. Closed rhinoplasty is generally a shorter procedure because the incisions inside the nose are limited. However, open rhinoplasty can take longer, depending on the surgeon’s preference and the requirements of the surgery.

3. Anatomical Structure of the Nose: Each patient’s nasal anatomy is different. Factors such as nasal bone, cartilage and skin quality can affect the duration of surgery. For example, a wide nose structure may take longer to correct.

4. Revision Surgery: Revision surgeries performed after a previous rhinoplasty can usually take longer depending on the complexity of the initial surgery and the corrections to be made.

The length of surgery generally depends on the surgeon’s experience, skill, and the complexity of the surgery. Your surgeon will discuss the length of surgery and expectations in detail with you during your previous consultation. The length of surgery generally includes all procedures, including anesthesia and postoperative observation.

What is expected from me before rhinoplasty?

Before undergoing rhinoplasty surgery, it is important to follow your surgeon’s specific instructions. Here are some general guidelines that are usually expected before undergoing rhinoplasty surgery:

1. Good Communication with the Doctor: Communicate with your doctor before surgery and share your expectations clearly. Do not hesitate to ask questions before surgery and make sure you fully understand the treatment process.

2. Health Assessment: A health assessment may be performed before surgery. Your doctor will assess your suitability for surgery and focus on any health concerns you may have.

3. Research and Determination: Learn about your doctor by reviewing his or her previous work, checking out references, and reading about previous patients’ experiences. Be firm about your decision to have surgery. It is important to have a good thought process before making such a surgical decision.

4. Smoking and Alcohol Use: Avoid smoking before and after surgery. Smoking can make healing more difficult and increase the risk of complications. Limit alcohol consumption as well, as alcohol can also affect post-operative recovery.

5. Drug Use: Follow your doctor’s instructions about taking or not taking certain medications before surgery, as recommended by your doctor. If you are taking any medication regularly, talk to your doctor about it.

6. Makeup and Jewelry: Avoid using make-up, creams or perfumes before surgery. Remove your jewelry on the day of surgery and make sure that the clothes you wear are comfortable and easily accessible to the surgeon.

7. Pre-Operative Diet and Thirst: Avoid eating and drinking for a certain period of time before the surgery. Follow the fasting periods specified by your doctor.

8. Transportation Plan: Arrange for transportation home on the day of surgery and afterwards. It may be important to have a relative accompany you after surgery so that you can focus on resting.

9. First Aid and Medicines: Before surgery, prepare any first aid supplies and prescription medications that may be needed for use at home. Take any prescribed medications for use after surgery as directed by your doctor.

10. A Good Recovery Plan: Arrange your work or daily activities according to your post-operative plan. Make a plan that allows you to rest for as long as you need. Your doctor will give you specific instructions to better guide you through your pre-operative process. Following these instructions can help optimize your post-operative recovery.

What awaits me after Rhinoplasty Surgery?

The recovery process after rhinoplasty surgery may vary from person to person, but it usually includes certain stages. Here are some general conditions to expect after rhinoplasty surgery:

1. Immediately After:

  • You may be kept under observation for a period of time during the first few hours after surgery, during which time the effects of anesthesia will wear off and the first bandages will be placed.
  • You can usually be discharged on the same day, but this time depends on the patient’s condition.

2. The First Few Days:

  • Swelling and bruising: Swelling and bruising in the surgical area are normal and will subside within a few days.
  • Nasal congestion: Nasal congestion is common after surgery and may be due to swelling and crusting inside the nose.
  • You may feel pain and discomfort in the first few days. You may need to regularly use painkillers prescribed by your doctor.

3. Within a Week:

  • Nasal congestion, bruising and swelling usually decrease significantly within the first week.
  • The initial bandages and stitches may be removed. However, the internal stitches inside the nose may remain in place for a few more days.

4. Within the First Month:

  • The swelling and bruising on your nose will gradually decrease over time, but full recovery may take several months.
  • Avoid vigorous physical activities and heavy lifting. You may begin with limited activity according to your doctor’s recommendations.
  • Avoid wearing glasses to protect your nose and avoid contact sports for the duration directed by your doctor.

5. A Few Months Later:

  • After the surgery, the shape of your nose will settle and the healing process will continue.
  • You may return to normal social activities and exercise under the guidance of your doctor.

6. After Six Months and Subsequent Periods:

  • Swelling and bruising usually disappear to a large extent within six months, and the nose returns to its final shape.
  • Once the results have settled in, your doctor may schedule follow-up visits. The healing process can vary from person to person, and the symptoms experienced by each person may be different.

It is important to follow your doctor’s recommendations carefully, have regular checkups, and share any concerns with your doctor. Addressing any issues that may arise after rhinoplasty surgery and getting appropriate treatment if necessary will help you complete your recovery successfully.

Is revision surgery necessary after rhinoplasty?

Whether or not revision surgery is necessary after rhinoplasty depends on the person’s initial expectations, the complexity of the surgical intervention, and anatomical features. Not every rhinoplasty may require revision surgery, but sometimes the person or surgeon may have difficulty achieving their goals. Here are some situations that may cause revision surgery to be considered after rhinoplasty:

1. Aesthetic Dissatisfaction:

  • After surgery, the person may not have achieved the desired results in terms of nose shape, size or overall appearance.

2. Functional Problems:

  • Nasal breathing or other functional problems may have occurred due to a problem that occurred after rhinoplasty.

3. Complications:

  • Unwanted anatomical changes or complications may have occurred after surgery. These may be irreversible or undesirable results.

4. Tissue Healing Process:

  • In some cases, the healing process of the tissues may take longer than expected and revision surgery may be considered.

5. Inadequate Communication and Lack of Clarity of Expectations:

  • If there has not been adequate communication between the patient and surgeon or if expectations have not been clearly established, revision surgery may be considered.

The decision for revision surgery is specific to each case and varies depending on the individual situation. If a person is not satisfied after rhinoplasty, they should first share the situation with their doctor and evaluate possible correction options. The doctor will evaluate the person’s expectations, check their physical condition, and evaluate whether revision surgery is appropriate.

In order to make a clear assessment of whether revision surgery is necessary after rhinoplasty, it is important to wait for the person to recover for a while and follow the doctor’s recommendations.

When does the nose settle after rhinoplasty?

The process of the nose settling completely after rhinoplasty and the results being clearly visible may vary from person to person. Generally, it can take a few months for the nose to settle after rhinoplasty surgery and for the results to become fully visible. However, this process may vary depending on the individual’s anatomical features, the complexity of the surgical intervention, and the healing process. Here is some general information about the nose settling after rhinoplasty surgery:

1. First Few Weeks: In the first few weeks after surgery, swelling and bruising around the nose may be noticeable. However, this usually subsides over time.

2. First Six Months: Swelling and bruising usually decrease significantly within six months. However, the nose shape may not be fully established during this period.

3. Within a Year: Within a year, the shape and contour of the nose become more distinct. In most patients, the nose will be completely settled and the results will be clear after rhinoplasty surgery.

4. Period After the First Year: In some cases, especially after revision surgeries or more complex surgical interventions, the recovery process may take longer. In this case, it may take several years for the results to become fully apparent.

The results of rhinoplasty surgery vary depending on the individual’s anatomical characteristics, the complexity of the surgical intervention, and the individual’s recovery rate. Following your doctor’s recommendations throughout the recovery process, following regular checkups, and following postoperative care instructions can help the nose heal healthily and achieve the desired aesthetic results.

Is rhinoplasty a painful surgery?

The pain level of rhinoplasty surgery can vary depending on personal experience and pain tolerance. In general, the pain after rhinoplasty surgery varies from person to person and is tolerable for most patients. Factors affecting the level of pain may include:

1. Personal Pain Tolerance: Each individual’s tolerance to pain is different. While some patients may feel almost no pain after rhinoplasty surgery, others may experience mild to moderate pain.

2. Type and Complexity of Surgery: The type and complexity of rhinoplasty surgery can affect the level of pain. Closed rhinoplasty (done through the nose) is generally less invasive and may have less pain.

3. Type of Anesthesia: Surgery is usually performed under general anesthesia. General anesthesia causes loss of consciousness during surgery, which can minimize postoperative pain.

4. Advanced Analgesia Methods: The surgeon and anesthesia team may administer analgesic (painkiller) methods to reduce pain after surgery. This can help control the level of pain.

5. Post-Procedure Care: Following the post-procedure care instructions recommended by your doctor can reduce pain. Regular use of medications can help control swelling and pain.

Generally, mild to moderate pain may be experienced for a few days after rhinoplasty surgery. However, this pain is usually manageable and subsides within a few days. Postoperative discomfort is usually intense in the first few days of surgery and improves over time. Since pain levels are a personal experience, it is important to discuss your expectations before and after surgery with your doctor.

What happens if the desired result is not achieved after rhinoplasty?

Failure to achieve the desired results after rhinoplasty can be disappointing. However, there are several options to correct this situation:

1. Waiting and Recovery: After surgery, the nose may be swollen and bruised, so it may take some time to see the full results. It may take a few weeks to a few months for the swelling to completely subside and the tissues to heal.

2. Communication with the Doctor: First of all, you should communicate openly with your doctor in case of dissatisfaction. Your doctor will evaluate your expectations and dissatisfactions and suggest appropriate correction options.

3. Revision Surgery: If the initial surgery does not produce the desired results, your doctor may consider revision rhinoplasty, which is a second surgery performed to correct or improve the results of a previous surgery.

4. Re-evaluate Expectations: It is important to re-evaluate your expectations with your doctor. Understanding how realistically successful revision surgery can be can help you achieve a more realistic outcome.

5. Emotional Support: You may experience emotional difficulties after rhinoplasty. In this case, you can join a support group or seek help from a therapist or counselor.

The emotional healing process is as important as the physical healing process. Every situation is unique and the resolution process may vary depending on individual needs and the complexity of the surgery. It is important to follow your doctor’s recommendations carefully and share any concerns you may have. First, you should communicate with your doctor to share your dissatisfactions and evaluate possible resolution options together.

Is Rhinoplasty Performed in State Hospitals?

In public hospitals, basic health services, emergencies, and certain surgical procedures are generally provided free of charge or at low cost. However, cosmetic surgery procedures are not provided free of charge in public hospitals because they are usually for personal preference or aesthetic purposes.

If you want to have cosmetic surgery in a public hospital, it is important to first learn the policies of the relevant public hospital or health institution and make an appointment to consult a specialist. However, cosmetic surgery procedures are usually performed in a limited number in public hospitals and for special cases.

In summary, aesthetic surgical interventions are usually performed in private healthcare institutions, surgical clinics or private hospitals and are usually performed depending on the patient’s individual demands and ability to pay.

How much does rhinoplasty cost in Istanbul?

For rhinoplasty costs in Istanbul, it is best to contact surgeons or surgical clinics directly. It is important to get first-hand information and to have a consultation for a personalized assessment. Different surgeons and clinics may have different prices depending on the services they offer, their experience and their facilities.

Rhinoplasty prices are determined by a number of factors and may vary depending on the complexity of the surgery, the experience of the surgeon, the quality of the facility used and the economic situation of the region. Here are the main factors that determine rhinoplasty prices:

1. Surgeon’s Experience and Skills: More experienced and well-known plastic surgeons can often charge higher prices. The surgeon’s expertise and accomplishments can affect pricing.

2. Complexity of the Surgery: The complexity of the rhinoplasty surgery determines how detailed and challenging the surgical intervention is. More complex surgeries usually require more time and expertise, which can increase prices.

3. Anesthesia and Clinic Fees: Anesthesia and clinic fees used during surgery are important factors affecting the total cost. Using a quality clinic or hospital may increase prices.

4. Consultation and Preliminary Evaluation Fee: Surgeons may charge a fee for face-to-face consultations or examinations with patients. This can help evaluate the patient’s specific situation and determine their suitability for surgery.

5. Post-Operative Care Fees: The care and follow-up services provided after rhinoplasty surgery can also affect prices. The cost of post-operative checkups, medications, and other services can increase the total price.

6. Regional Differences: Geographic location is a factor that affects rhinoplasty prices. Prices can often be higher in larger cities, especially due to cost of living and demand.

7. Insurance Coverage: Since rhinoplasty is generally considered a cosmetic surgery, insurance does not usually cover this type of surgery. Therefore, patients have to cover such surgeries from their own budget.

Every patient is unique and should receive pricing that is appropriate for their individual situation. Surgeons often conduct an individual evaluation with patients and provide a custom quote for planning the surgery.

Ear Nose Throat and Rhinoplasty Evaluation

Ear, Nose and Throat (ENT) specialists have extensive knowledge and experience, especially in matters related to the nose. A rhinoplasty surgery for aesthetic purposes is performed by a surgeon. Ear, Nose and Throat specialists are usually experts in correcting functional problems related to rhinoplasty or addressing medical conditions related to the nose. If a person has both aesthetic and functional problems, surgery may be performed by an Ear, Nose and Throat specialist. This surgery / rhinoplasty may be performed to ensure that the patient meets both aesthetic expectations and corrects nasal function. The ENT specialist’s evaluation before rhinoplasty may usually include:

1. Functional Evaluation: Nasal obstruction, respiratory problems, or other functional issues may be examined. A functional rhinoplasty may include both aesthetic and functional improvement of the nose.

2. Anatomical Examination: The nasal structure and internal and external anatomical features can be examined in detail.

3. Medical History Review: The patient’s medical history, allergies, and other health conditions may be evaluated.

4. Radiological Examination: If necessary, radiological examinations (e.g. nasal tomography) can be performed for planning rhinoplasty surgery.

5. Patient Expectations: The patient’s aesthetic expectations and postoperative goals can be evaluated. If the patient has a primarily aesthetic problem, it is possible to benefit from the expertise of both an ENT specialist and a plastic surgeon. It is important to consult an ENT specialist in order to achieve a successful result both aesthetically and functionally.

An Ear, Nose and Throat (ENT) doctor can of course perform aesthetic nose surgery (rhinoplasty). However, what is important is whether the ENT doctor is also trained in plastic surgery or has experience in this field. Since rhinoplasty is both an aesthetic and functional surgical intervention, it is very important that it is performed by a surgeon who specializes in this field.

Can my breathing improve after rhinoplasty?

Rhinoplasty is a nasal surgical intervention that can be performed for both aesthetic and functional purposes. Functional rhinoplasty aims to correct the structures inside the nose and improve nasal breathing. An ENT specialist will primarily focus on the patient’s ability to breathe healthily. Therefore, it is possible for breathing to improve after an ENT specialist’s rhinoplasty surgery.

Improvement in breathing after rhinoplasty can occur in the following ways:

1. Elimination of Obstacles in the Nose: Deviated septum, deformities in the nasal cartilages or other anatomical problems can negatively affect breathing. During rhinoplasty, these obstacles can be corrected to increase airflow in the nose.

2. Widening of Nostrils: When the nostrils are narrow or small, the nostrils can be widened during rhinoplasty surgery. This can allow for better airflow, making breathing easier.

3. Well-Planned Aesthetic and Functional Corrections: Rhinoplasty surgeries performed for aesthetic purposes aim to improve the external appearance of the nose while also correcting the structures inside the nose.

This includes both meeting aesthetic expectations and functional improvements. The ENT specialist guarantees or can provide the necessary information about the improvement of breathing after rhinoplasty.

The results may vary from person to person. The swelling and healing process inside the nose after surgery can take several weeks to several months. Additionally, it can take up to a year or longer for complete recovery and results to become clear.

If breathing problems persist or new problems develop after rhinoplasty, it is important to notify your surgeon. It is also important to follow your doctor’s recommendations and follow up with regular checkups during your recovery.

Rhinoplasty surgery in Istanbul with Health Tourism?

Istanbul is a popular destination for health tourism, and many people choose this city for various health services, including cosmetic surgery. Rhinoplasty surgery is also one of the preferred cosmetic surgery procedures within the scope of health tourism in Istanbul. Health tourism advantages for rhinoplasty surgery in Istanbul can be:

1. Experienced Surgeons: Istanbul is home to many experienced ENT and plastic surgeons. These doctors are generally trained to international standards and have extensive experience.

2. Modern Facilities and Equipment: Many private hospitals and clinics in Istanbul have modern facilities and state-of-the-art equipment. This ensures that patients receive high-quality healthcare services.

3. Reasonable Costs: Health tourism is popular in many countries due to the cost of healthcare. Healthcare in Istanbul is generally more affordable than in other European and American countries.

4. Cultural and Tourist Experience: Istanbul is a city famous for its historical and cultural richness, delicious food and unique architecture. Patients can have the opportunity to explore the city and have a touristic experience before or after surgery.

If you are considering having rhinoplasty surgery in Istanbul through health tourism, you can follow the steps below:

1. Selection of Doctor and Institution: Choose an experienced plastic surgeon or cosmetic surgery specialist and a trusted healthcare provider. Check references and review patient reviews.

2. Communicating: Contact the doctor and institution of your choice, ask questions about the surgery details, and make an appointment.

3. Planning and Travel Arrangements: Determine the date of your surgery and make your travel arrangements. If necessary, you can get support from travel agencies or health tourism service providers.

4. Surgery and Recovery Process: When you arrive in Istanbul, complete your preparations in accordance with your doctor’s recommendations before the surgery. After the surgery, continue your recovery process by following your doctor’s instructions.

5. Tourist Activities: Discover Istanbul and enjoy touristic activities. However, make sure to follow the rest period determined by your doctor after the surgery. When health tourism is preferred, it is important to act in accordance with your doctor’s recommendations and attend appointments regularly before and after the trip.

There are also professional health tourism agencies in Istanbul that you can get support from regarding health tourism. Sometimes the campaigns made by the agencies can offer reasonable prices.

What are the historical places to visit in Istanbul in 3 days?

Istanbul is a city famous for its historical riches, cultural heritage and unique atmosphere. Exploring the city in just 3 days requires a very busy schedule, but below you can find some of the important historical places to visit in Istanbul:

Hagia Sophia:

  • Hagia Sophia, one of the symbols of Istanbul, was built as a church during the Byzantine Empire, later converted into a mosque by the Ottoman Empire and is now used as a museum.

Topkapi Palace:

  • Topkapi Palace, one of the palaces of the Ottoman Empire, is famous for its magnificent gardens, palace buildings and rich collections. It is possible to explore the Harem area, the sacred treasury where the holy relics are exhibited and the areas where the Ottoman sultans lived.

Sultanahmet Mosque (Blue Mosque):

  • Famous for its blue tiles, the Sultanahmet Mosque is one of the leading works of Ottoman architecture. One of the symbols of Istanbul, the mosque is located in the surrounding square with other important historical buildings.

Basilica Cistern:

  • The Basilica Cistern, a huge Byzantine cistern, has interesting details such as columns and capitals floating underwater. The cistern offers a cool escape on hot weather or rainy days.

Grand Bazaar:

  • The Grand Bazaar, the world’s oldest and largest covered bazaar, offers visitors a wide shopping experience with its thousands of shops. You can find jewelry, carpets, leather goods, souvenirs and more.

Galata Tower and Galata Bridge:

  • Galata Tower is a historical tower and viewpoint. It is possible to see the city from above by climbing the tower. You can also take a nice walk to the Golden Horn over the Galata Bridge.

Suleymaniye Mosque:

  • Suleymaniye Mosque is a stunning mosque built by Mimar Sinan. It is famous for its gardens and the elegance of its interior.

Buyukcekmece Castle:

  • Located in the west of Istanbul, Büyükçekmece Castle is a beautiful spot to visit, with an Ottoman-era castle and the surrounding coastal area.

These suggestions are just a starting point for a 3-day trip to Istanbul. You can customize your trip according to your personal interests, love of history and art, and visit other important areas.

Where are the entertainment venues and districts in Istanbul?

Istanbul is famous for its nightlife, entertainment venues and various events in different districts. Here are the popular districts and places for nightlife and entertainment in Istanbul:


1. Taksim: Taksim Square, one of the entertainment centers of Istanbul, is famous for its nightlife, bars, clubs and live music venues.

2. Beyoğlu: The Beyoğlu district, close to Taksim, attracts attention with its various bars, cafes, restaurants and live music venues on Istiklal Street.

3. Karaköy: The Karaköy district on the Bosphorus is known for its art galleries, trendy cafes, bars and designer boutiques, and has a lively atmosphere at night.

4. Bebek and Ortaköy: These districts on the Bosphorus shores include luxury venues, cafes and nightclubs. Ortaköy Square is especially popular among young people.

5. Nişantaşı: Famous for its shopping streets and luxury stores, Nişantaşı is also known for its stylish bars, cafes and restaurants.

6. Kadıköy: Located on the Anatolian Side, Kadıköy is known for its young population, nightclubs, cafes and bars. There are entertainment venues in areas such as Moda and Kadife Sokak.

7. Bomonti: Bomonti is an entertainment district that has developed in recent years.

Transformed factories, bars and live music venues are concentrated in this area.

Entertainment Venues:

1. Reina: Located on the edge of the Bosphorus, Reina is one of the most famous nightclubs in Istanbul. It offers entertainment in a luxurious atmosphere.

2. Sortie: Located in Kuruçeşme, Sortie is famous for its Bosphorus view. It includes multiple venues and open-air areas.

3. Supperclub: Located on Istiklal Street, Supperclub is a nightclub that offers a different concept. It brings together food, entertainment and music.

4. Klein Garten: Located in Karaköy, Klein Garten stands out with its open-air atmosphere, live music and different drinks.

5. Arkaoda: Located in Moda, Kadıköy, Arkaoda is known for its indie music scene and live performances.

These suggestions can be a starting point for exploring nightlife and entertainment in Istanbul. However, there are many different neighborhoods and venues in the city, so you can explore further according to your personal preferences.

What are the ways to reach Istanbul?

Istanbul, as one of the largest cities in Turkey, has many transportation options from both international and domestic routes. Here are some common transportation methods you can use to get to Istanbul:

1. Air: Istanbul has two major airports, Sabiha Gökçen Airport (SAW) and the newly opened Istanbul Airport (ISL). There are direct flights from many cities around the world.

2. Highway: It is possible to reach Istanbul from many cities in Turkey by bus and private vehicle. There are highways and motorways going to the city from different points of Turkey.

3. Train: You can travel by train to other cities in Turkey via train stations in Istanbul. Train services are organized from Ankara and other major cities.

4. Sea Route: The Bosphorus and the Sea of ​​Marmara provide sea transportation to the city. Sea buses and ferries carry passengers on regular trips between the European and Anatolian sides.

5. Car Rental: There is also the option of renting a car to get around the city and beyond. There are many international and local rental companies in the city.

6. Public Transportation: There is a wide public transportation network in Istanbul. Metro, tram, buses and ferries are used to provide transportation in and around the city. You can use these means of transportation using the integrated card system called Istanbulkart.

7. Taxi and UBER: There are many taxi and UBER services in Istanbul. You can choose these transportation options for short distances within the city.

Due to Istanbul’s geographical location and transportation infrastructure, there are many different options for getting to the city. The transportation method you choose may vary depending on where you are coming from and your personal preferences.

How many days are required for Rhinoplasty surgery in Istanbul?

The duration of rhinoplasty surgery and the recovery process are individual and depend on many factors. Generally, those who want to have surgery in Istanbul need to spend 6-7 days. Each individual’s anatomy, surgical needs and recovery speed are different. This period may vary depending on these factors. However, in general, the process of rhinoplasty surgery in Istanbul can be summarized as follows:

1. Days Before Surgery: Before surgery, you will usually have one or more check-ups with your doctor. During these check-ups, the surgery plan, your expectations, and your questions will be discussed. It is important to follow the instructions regarding the pre-surgery preparation process carefully. You need to contact your doctor and determine the day for surgery before coming to Istanbul. It is also important to be in Istanbul at least one day before the surgery day. Istanbul is a city where you will encounter heavy traffic. You may need to take into account the congested roads. It may be wise to stay near the hospital where you will have surgery.

2. Surgery Day: Rhinoplasty surgery is usually performed under general anesthesia and the duration of surgery varies depending on individual needs and the procedures to be performed. The surgery can usually last several hours.

3. Post-Operative: In the post-operative period, patients are usually kept under observation for a few hours. Afterwards, it is possible to go home or to a place to stay. After the surgery, there may be swelling, bruising and mild pain in and around the nose. It may be beneficial for you to have a companion during your hospital stay.

4. First Week: In the first few days, rest and recovery are important. Intranasal tampons and external plaster or bandages can be used. Swelling and bruising are usually most noticeable in the first week. You can travel around Istanbul during this time. However, you should avoid excessive fatigue. You should follow your doctor’s advice. It is important for your health to consult your doctor about the activities you will do. Your doctor will perform your final examination and remove your tampons. You can now return to your country or home.

5. First Month: During the first month, nasal swelling and bruising will begin to decrease, but it may take a few weeks or months for it to completely disappear. It is important to continue to care for your nose according to your doctor’s instructions. If you can visit your doctor during this time, we recommend that you do so. If you live in another country or city, staying in touch with your doctor and sharing your progress will be beneficial to your recovery.

6. Recovery Period: The full recovery process varies from person to person, but it is usually possible to return to social activities within a few weeks. However, it may take a few months for the nose to fully settle and for the results to become clear. Protecting yourself from negative situations will be enough for 1 year for the reshaping of your nose to be permanent. The nose will have fully healed in 1 year and your tissues will have regained their former health.

When planning rhinoplasty surgery in Istanbul, it is important to rest in the post-operative period and follow your doctor’s recommendations. Also, staying in touch with your doctor before and after surgery can help you get professional guidance in case of any problems or concerns.